Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

It's crunch time over here, with the holiday line releasing tomorrow (keep an eye out!!) ....but I just wanted to pop in to say Happy Halloween!!! I snagged myself a fine bag of money this year.

 (Oddly enough, this was J's favorite photo. I mean, really???)
(This one is clearly a winner too.)
Hope you have a fun, festive day and eat lots of candy! xo JA


  1. Love the costumes!

  2. You guys are adorable!

  3. Haha! Love your costumes! J seems to be a natural in front of the camera haha!

  4. I seriously look forward to your couples costumes! I think we are going to do the lightning couples costume this year for a party we have Sat!!! Love it!

  5. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Haha these photos are hilarious. Hope you had a great halloween!


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