Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thirsty Thursday

 Since I'm going to have the house to myself this weekend I'm thinking about having some fun in the kitchen. I've been looking around on Pinterest for some yummy recipes to play with. The possibilities are endless! I found so many delicious, mouth-watering, "omg now I'm hungry", recipes. And not only for food, for drinks too! I don't know where to start. Check out these links to find the recipes of these pretty beverages!

Don't they all look delicious?? Now I need to have a party so that I can try all these different recipes.


  1. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Make some of these.... yum! :)

  2. woah - that lavender lemonade is just awesome!

  3. Thank you for featuring my article :)
    That was a delicious recipe btw!

  4. Oh yum!! I am going to have to try some of these too!!

  5. Lavender lemonade looks interesting!

  6. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Mmmm... Yum! I'll take one of those lovely Sparkling Strawberry Limeades please :)

  7. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Those all look delicious. I'm just loving the colour of the purple one :) Though lavender lemonade sounds interesting. I'd try anything once.

  8. I love the green stripes on the first picture. I think lovely straws elevate your thirst. I want to drink the blueberry smoothie.


  9. I think I may be trying the lavender lemonade and the sparkling strawberry limeade soon - they look too good not to!

  10. Oh my! Each of these look so amazing. I wish we lived closer :) I would love to join you!! Happy Friday

  11. oh wow those looks so so delicious! I would love a strawberry basil margarita right about now :)

    -rachel w k

  12. Oh my! This just made me really thirsty :-) I think your blog is lovely! I just start my own and I hope it can be as darling as yours once I have it for longer.
    Please visit if you have time! I'de like to trade sponsorship with you one day. Thank you!

    -Katherine Elizabeth

  13. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I am interested in knowing the ingredients for the fat burning blueberry smoothie, but when I click on the link it is all in Spanish...Can you help me out??

  14. Thanks for the heads up on the language translation. I put it through a translator and it has a LOT of smoothie recipes! Hope some of this helps:

    Carrot and tomato
    1 cup carrots cut into small pieces
    1 cup chopped tomato
    a pinch of black pepper (amplifies the effect of vegetables)

    Apple and celery
    2 apples juice (prepared in advance)
    2 stalks of celery

    Kiwi and watermelon
    2 kiwi fruit peeled
    1 cup watermelon, cut into small pieces

    Grapefruit, ginger and lemon
    3 lemons
    2 grapefruits
    1 piece of ginger
    1 teaspoon of honey

    Of all the smoothie category this is the "most powerful" in terms of consumption of calories and also helps to reduce hunger, better able to control sugar levels. Precisely for this reason would be more appropriate for breakfast.

    Cranberries and blueberries
    3 teaspoons of oatmeal
    1 1 / 2 cup diced blueberry
    1 1 / 2 cup of green tea
    1 1 / 2 cranberry

    2 / 3 cup of strawberries
    1 cup soy milk or low-fat milk
    This smoothie is best suited to breakfast, energy intake and the fat-burning effect that lasts throughout the course of the day.

    Banana and pear
    2 bananas, peeled
    1 cup of pear, cut into pieces
    In this case you must use the ice, since none of the two fruits makes so much juice.

    Pineapple and grapefruit
    4 slices of pineapple
    1 / 2 grapefruit cut into pieces
    1 teaspoon of honey
    This combination if used regularly is the best for losing weight fast *. In addition, both fruits contain elements that fight free radicals.

    Tomato and cranberries
    1 / 2 cup of cranberries
    1 / 2 cup of sliced ​​tomatoes
    1 teaspoon of honey
    This especially helps to limit the centrifugal desire for sweet drinks.

  15. Anonymous10:18 AM

    These all make me think of summer time! I'm looking forward to the return of warm summer nights! I wanna try the margarita!

  16. Hello! what size mason jars did you use for picture #1 and picture #2 & #3?


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