Wednesday, October 9, 2013

6 Stages of Wedding Planning

Hi there, my name is Che and I blog over at indieBerries! Having recently been married I thought it would be fitting to send a guest post of the 6 Stages of Wedding Planning to celebrate Julie and Jordan's engagement!
1. The Honeymoon Phase
This phase of your engagement is characterized by feelings of immense love, excitement and sheer happiness. You will continuously be looking at the shiny new bling on your hand and you may also suddenly find yourself looking at the hands of every other woman in a "yeah! me too!" kind of way.

Things to look out for in this phase: Nothing! Everything is dreamy - just enjoy your time on cloud 9!
2. The Pinterest Phase
You will soon enter a phase of extreme pinning. In order to gather all your wedding inspiration and ideas you will feel the need to Pin ALL the things. You will literally lose days of your life to Pinterest. In this phase you will become so absorbed in the pinterest black-hole that you may even forget that you have a fiancé. Don't worry - he will be fine.

Things to look out for in this phase: Insomnia. Inspiration creates ideas. Ideas create brain activity. Brain activity creates insomnia. You probably won't sleep very much in this phase - which is perfect - more time for pinning!
3. The 'I'm on top of this' Phase
After making a few big wedding decisions and perhaps getting your guest list and save the dates ready to go - you will feel like you are totally on top of this whole "wedding business". Don't be fooled, it won't last long.

Things to look out for in this phase: Be warned! The "I'm on top of this" feeling, will warp your mind into a false sense of security. It may lure you into taking a hiatus from wedding planning - and the next thing you know you have 300 name cards, favors and menus to make 2 days before your wedding.
4. The Elopement Phase
Make no mistake - wedding planning is stressful. There will be tears over napkin colors and flower arrangements and you will feel completely overwhelmed with the mountain of stuff you have to think about (not to mention all the family politics). You will begin to wonder why you are doing any of it at all. You will seriously consider elopement as a very viable and completely sane option.

Things to look out for in this phase: Excessive To Do lists. You will be making TO DO lists until they come out of your ears. (What a great excuse to stock up on some JAA "shit to do" notepads!)
5. The Nightmare Phase
As your big day draws nearer, you will experience "The Nightmare Phase". Your dreams will be plagued with scenes of you walking down the aisle naked, your wedding venue flooding or armed-Arabian-drug-lords arriving at your wedding (as was my case). Your fiancé will sleep straight through this phase.

Things to look out for in this phase: You will wake up in the middle of the night with a severe case of the cold sweats. Invest in some breezy PJs.
6. The Big Day
The BIG DAY has arrived! All the months of planning and preparation will finally come together in your ultimate dream wedding. You and your fiancé will say goodbye to the life of singledom and enter into the awesome adventure that is marriage!

Things to look out for in this phase: Absolutely nothing! Just enjoy EVERY MINUTE of your beautiful wedding. Soak up all the love and excitement of the most incredible day of your life. And wear comfy shoes.


  1. I remember the nightmare stage well. Dreams about all my hair falling out and me being bald at the alter. One dream about me being at the alter (with hair) and no one showed up...not even the groom. Don't miss those days at all :(

  2. Such a fun post! Love it :)

  3. Dreams about my teeth falling out! Put I was practical and found methods of ensuring no one would notice.


  4. This is SO TRUE. Except when I got married Pinterest wasn't super popular, sad day!! But I really did consider eloping for a bit to avoid all the family drama...after wedding planning I totally get people who do!! I just pinned this post to my "That's Funny" page :) Loved it!

  5. Awesome post! I remember the nightmare phase...not fun! And I'm kinda grateful that Pinterest was not yet around when I got married.

  6. haha! this is too funny. I was married before pinterest/wedding blogs everywhere so my second stage was bridal magazines :).

  7. Haha I definitely hit stage 1 and 2 at the right times. My wedding is almost 2 years away though so I'm slowly getting to the next stages.

  8. Oh my goodness, so funny, and so stinking true!!!

  9. I'm not married or engaged, but this post is still Hillarious!!!

    1. haha just WAIT until you get engaged! then you will have to come back to this post and you will KNOW exactly what to expect! haha :)

  10. you soooo need to ask to use these drawings for cards!!!!!! I laughed so hard at the nightmare phase!

  11. That is soooo cute. I love it. I am going to stop at phase 4 though. I already know I am going to elope. =]

  12. Hahaha! SO true. I laughed along because that's EXACTLY what I've been like. I'm currently on stage 5 with 9 months to go. I think I'm just going to be repeating stages 1-5 over and over again until the big day.

  13. Oh my gosh this is AMAZING!! haha. I just shared with my brother's fiance. They just got engaged last week! I love it. (Linked over from Treasure Tromp's blog)


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