Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lately in Instagrams

I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that tomorrow is March. The past month or two has been a complete blur. For some reason I thought things would "slow down" after Valentine's Day. Once Valentine's Day passed though, I started to realize that I had been saving everything else that I needed to do for "after Valentine's Day."
The most important of those things being Australia plans. We leave in less than a month and have a huge list of things to get done. I'm a planner. I like to plan things. I've probably made about 10 "Oz' to-do lists. But yet, I still get overwhelmed and worry that we will forget something, say, a voltage converter, and we will try to charge our cameras and they will blow up, therefore leaving us camera-less before shooting the wedding. (Hi, I'm a worry wart). So yeah, lots going on in that area.
I also started a little garden. This is my first ever garden and I basically have no idea what I'm doing. I love the way it looks (now) but who knows how it will look in a month. Let's hope still alive. I did use some of my basil this weekend to make the Strawberry Basil margaritas from this post. Yum!
I've also been working hard to get new cards in the shop. Designing is something that I have definitely missed lately and have been making a huge effort to make time for. I listed my first card for mom, along with quite a few birthday cards. More are in the works too! It's such a good feeling to add to my product line! Any special occasions you need a card for?
And as always, I'm trying to put a limit my work and enjoy myself as well. Whether it's a ride to the park, or extra cuddle time in bed with Penny girl (her favorite place in the world), these are the things that are most important to me. I never want to take them for granted.

Today is the last day for my February sponsors! Be sure to head over to the right column of my blog and say a last hello to them!


  1. Gah, I want Instagram SO badly! Okay so I am a huge thank you card giver...maybe some more thank you card options!?? Possibly a set? Just a suggestion. :) I love what you've been adding to your shop!!!

  2. girl, i feel your pain. im trying to plan a vacation to colombia (the country) and it hit me today that march is tomorrow! february seriously flew by but that must mean we are keeping busy which is always a good thing. glad you are making time for those little things in your life! oh and thank you for the photo tip in the post below!

    xo the egg out west.

  3. Aaaah! I see Byron Bay on that google maps list! By far my favorite place in the entire world. I would buy a house there if I ever became rich! Looking forward to hearing about your Australia trip once it all goes down!

  4. Anonymous7:08 PM

    this is totally random, but I can't wait to buy a card from you for my boyfriend's birthday :)


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