Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's My Birthday

This photo is of  my cousin, Kristen and I. (Do you like my bigger-than-my-head bow? Thanks Mom.) Clearly, it was not my birthday at the time of this photo, but since it's sort of a classic, I thought it would be a good birthday-related photo to share!

Today I am 27 and it is my golden birthday. Apparently that means it will be a good year? I sure hope so! I have a lot of aspirations for the next few years and right now it feels like I am on the right track to them, which is making me work even harder. But tonight I'm putting the work aside (for real) and enjoying a nice dinner with my boyfriend!

P.S. In celebratory fashion, you can get free shipping today only in my Etsy shop with the coupon code BDAYFUN! Enjoy!


  1. happy birthday! i never really understood what a golden birthday is. you?

  2. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ^_^ I hope you have a wonderfully beautifully magickal day!

  3. Woo hoo! Happy birthday! Adorable picture, and I hope your golden year is the best yet!! :)

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a nice birthday dinner : ) and that picture is so funny!

  5. Martine5:41 PM

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day, with friends, presents and a huge birthdaypie!!!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! Love the picture, I agree, it is a classic :)

  7. wishing you health, happiness, love and lots more dreams to chase! and of course, cake. :) happy birthday Julie Ann!

  8. Wish you a super bday filled with joy and happiness now and forever! Your blogs really cool, and loved your card designs on etsy! keep blogging and sharing :) - squeakycorner

  9. Happy [belated now] birthday, pretty lady! Hope you had a wonderful day!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! That picture is so amazing, I think every kid feels that way when it is not her birthday candles to blow out :) Hope you had a lovely and fun evening out!

    -rachel w k


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