Friday, August 5, 2011

Five Facts Friday: Penny Edition

I'm changing up Five Facts Friday a little bit this week, to talk about our Terrier pup, Penny, who is turning two-years-old this month! She is the sweetest little girl, combined with (the occasional) biggest pain in the ass. I love her to death and she is way more easy for me to talk about than myself! ;]
1. We rescued Penny in October of 2009. Jordan wanted her brother, who was a short-hair, but I wanted Penny (who was called "Champagne" by her owner). Penny interacted a lot more with us so we took her home.
2. Her two favorite places in the world are cuddling under the covers or laying out in the sun.

3. She has the softest belly!!! I could lay on it all day.
4. Penny knows the word "bubbles" and will immediately get excited and wait for you to blow bubbles for her to jump at to catch.

5. She's the fastest dog at the dog park. No one can catch her, not even the big dogs.
Penny is the first dog I've ever had the pleasure of loving, training and watching grow every day. I'm so thankful that she's in my life to bring a smile to my face whenever I need her too. Have a lovely weekend, I'll be taking this little girl for a bike ride or two!


  1. Awww she looks like a sweetie! I love the pic of her sunbathing.

  2. Pennies a sweetheart! The pic of her sleeping is adorable.

  3. Aww! Sweet Penny (I have a little feline who is named Penelope aka Penny!) - your little pup is so darn sweet and cute! Happy Birthday Penny!

  4. Penny is absolutely adorable!

  5. she is sooo adorable! i love when they can pick up on words. my mutt knows "bedtime" means time to grab a toy and jump on the bed. :)

  6. Thanks for sharing these facts about Penny. Penny is so super adorable and deserves to have a post special for her. I think you should make more posts about Penny in the future.

  7. What an adorable pup! This post makes me smile. :)

  8. Found this site randomly through pinterest. Your dog looks just like our fur-baby, Buddy!!

  9. she is SO damn cute. i love a terrier. we had a couple growing up. inky chased coyotes out of my parent's yard when they lived in spokane. and later on, max chase a big doberman out of our neighborhood. they have no fear and are vey loyal. What a view you have!!! perfect sunning spot for penny


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